Leap of faith into the icy cold Ganges!

Imagine waking up in the morning (or afternoon if your day begins at 1pm) and you get all these upsetting news notifications from the n number of apps in your phone. Among these depressing notifications, I came across one notification which brought a smile on my face. You have memories with ABC, XYZ and 11 others to look back on today. Memories, throwback are all the buzz words flooding our social media these days as travel and tourism has been curbed. On opening that, I saw one of my posts on Facebook which was about my bungee jumping and river rafting in Rishikesh. I wish I had a time machine or Doraemon’s anyway door. Talking about my experience, I had visited Rishikesh way back in November 2016 specifically for bungee jumping and river rafting in the Ganges. The plan was to meet my friend in Delhi and catch a bus from Delhi to Rishikesh. The entire DTC bus journey lasted 8 hrs. We reached Rishikesh around 3am and were greeted by pitch darkness. Barring a few stray ...